Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Art Lives in Jelly Beans, Wind Chimes & Parrot Beaks

Julie Davidow
I have known Julie Davidow, since my earliest days on Miami Beach. I had the pleasure of living with her in her magical, tropical paradise for over a decade. One never quite recognizes the magic moments, holds them close, until they have past and are long gone. We were our own unique family, her, my brother, best friend, and Michel, le Frenchman. A student back then, I'd watch Julie throw down huge canvases on a cement floor, and get lost in her world of paint and color. Days would go by, sometimes. Barely stopping to eat, much less for a chat, she was mesmerized by the textiles and forms taking shape. It seemed she was always painting, while we were off having fun, living life at the beach. Julie's passion, her discipline, inspire me to be brave, to take chances. To be bold, to risk and live a less mundane existence. 
An artist, in these strange times, is the bravest beautiful I know. To be a woman, going against the grain,  breaking all rules to follow your passion, is the prettiest makeover by far. Create your very own kaleidoscope coat of color. I don't see Julie often enough, for we have moved on and out of her secret garden. I don't tell her often enough how proud I am of her work, her life and her art. She taught me how to laugh wickedly at myself and ignore the naysayers. She gave me a safe haven, when I was in need of a home. I am most proud of the total package, the artist exploring her craft. Creating and recreating an ethereal world, master technique and her ever expanding canvas.

Julie Davidow's Work feature in Architects and Artisans:

"Creativity takes courage."
Henri Matisse

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